Thornlie Chiropractic Care
Chiropractors are AHPRA registered allied health professionals who undergo 5 years of University training. They are trained to help treat and manage a variety of musculoskeletal injuries with the best available evidence from research.
We specialise in the diagnosis, treatment and management of injuries that affect joints, muscles, ligaments and nervous system.
Our treatment is a holistic approach aimed at looking and managing injuries or discomfort from a wide lens. For example: Knee pain from running? It is prudent to consider the ankle and hip/low back movement as well as focusing on the knee mechanics.
Treatment typically involves manual therapy which means hands-on care that often includes muscular release and joint manipulation. Hallmark features of Chiropractic over the years have been adjustments/manipulations of the spine or joints to aid in restoring 'function'. Evidence-informed practice has changed and other forms of treatment, such as education, exercise rehab (stretch/strengthen) and lifestyle advice, may be used.
Ryan has extensive training and skills with sports injuries, chronic pain, muscular injuries and a special interest in bone health such as arthritis and osteoporosis. While currently teaching and researching at Murdoch University and working in private practice, Ryan has created a sound skillset to diagnose, treat and manage all musculoskeletal injuries.
Not all Chiropractors treat the same! We heavily believe in a patient-focused approach.